COLLECTION CLAIM 6850 TPC Drive Suite 210 McKinney, Texas 75070 (214) 919-3555 E-Fax (214) 945-4060 EDWARD D. SALDAÑA, PARTNER[email protected]COLLECTION CLAIM/LIEN/BOND CLAIM INFORMATION SHEETPROJECT DESCRIPTION AND/OR ADDRESS:(Required)PROJECT OWNER NAME (IF KNOWN):(Required)NAME OF CLAIMANT (YOUR BUSINESS NAME):(Required)TYPE OF LABOR OR MATERIALS PROVIDED:(Required)DATE(S) LABOR &/OR MATERIAL WAS PROVIDED:(Required)ORIGINAL/GENERAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME(Required)PARTY WITH WHOM CLAIMANT CONTRACTED IF DIFFERENT FROM ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR:(Required)CLAIM AMOUNT: Principal Unpaid Balance of $:(Required)UNPAID INVOICE DUE DATES:(Required)CLAIMAINT’S CONTACT PERSON:(Required)CLAIMANT’S ADDRESS:(Required)SEND ME THIS INFO WITH COPY OF CONTRACT. IF IT IS A PUBLICLY-OWNED PROPERTY/PROJECT, LIKE A FIRE STATION, LIBRARY, MUNICPAL BUILDING, SCHOOL, THEN PLEASE ALSO PROVIDE PAYMENT BOND INFO IF KNOWN.Disclaimer(Required) Submitting an inquiry through this website, either to the firm generally or to any individual lawyer, and receipt of such communication does not create an attorney-client relationship or a reasonable expectation that we are willing to discuss the possibility of forming an attorney-client relationship. Information sent via web inquiry is not considered confidential or privileged unless Saunders, Walsh & Beard has agreed in writing to represent you. By sending this inquiry, you confirm that you have read, understand, and agree to this notice. 71714