The Eagle Has Landed


There is nothing like Fall football, especially in Texas.  As a native Texan, one of my favorite sayings is “everything is bigger and better in Texas.” The Allen football stadium is no exception.

Last year, deficiencies were discovered that resulted in the closure of Allen’s $60 million Eagle Stadium.  Since that time, Mark Walsh, a founding partner of Saunders Walsh & Beard, has been working with AISD, Pogue Construction, and PBK Architects to diagnose, engineer, and create a long term solution to the issues. Implementing that solution, and getting it paid for by the original designers and builders (without litigation) required an aggressive and complex legal strategy, coupled with the cooperation of all parties.

Congratulations to Allen Independent School District, Superintendent Dr. Lance Hindt, and Mark Walsh for developing and executing the legal strategy that got the stadium repaired, losses covered, all expenses paid, and the team back in their Stadium!

For details of the settlement reached, check out the articles below: