Happy Thanks – taking!

happyEndingAh, the holidays.  Tis the season of giving.  But for many lawyers and their clients, giving is not on their minds.  The client has been wronged and wants justice.  But the wheels of justice often turn very slowly, especially around the holidays.  The client wants results, but there is nothing to be had.

It doesn’t always have to be that way, especially in business disputes.  There are things that can be done to advance the ball down the field.  Even some of the most seasoned attorneys sometimes forget about the “extraordinary remedies” that Texas law affords litigants, particularly in suits involving money or property.  

To Those Who Help

As they do each year, the Dallas Morning News published their list of those for whom we should be thankful on this truly American holiday.  I was struck by the common theme of their selections: people who help and serve others.  While hardly a novel concept, it was a good reminder of who constitutes the most remarkable among us.


Like many in our line of work, I grow weary of the sweeping assaults on the legal profession by the politicians and comedians (despite the undeniable humor of many.)  Too often I feel forced to explain that “I don’t practice THAT kind of law,” tacitly agreeing with the gist of their critique.  Why?

The commercials are sickening.