The last “out” was just made in our baseball anti-slapp case where a coach sued another coach and the president of the league for “ruining his reputation” stemming from events at a 7 year old’s baseball game (see prior entries here and here). After appeal, and reversal, the Trial Court just ordered the Plaintiff to pay the Defendant’s legal fees totaling over $60,000.00! The Judge also sanctioned the Plaintiff $20,000.00 to deter him and others from filing similar lawsuits. That’s a judgment FOR the Defendants to be paid by the Plaintiff for over $80,000.
I suspect that the Coach who sued, wishes he would have moved on to enjoy his summer, as we suggested, instead of filing a lawsuit over such a silly event.
Freedom of speech and protection from this type of lawsuit, is alive and well in Texas! So, the next time a loudmouth bully with more money than sense threatens to sue a volunteer Board Member or coach for turning him in for bad conduct, wish them luck and tell them to save their money. They may need it to pay your legal fees. A home run for Texas volunteers and youth sports!